Integrity permeates our values. Our Manual of Conduct reinforces our commitment with an ethical culture in the way we carry out our business. 

As such, Alô Agropalma is the mechanism that enables us to listen to anyone in our value chain, regarding any concerns, demands or non-compliance occurrences in our operations. 

We encourage our employees and stakeholders to speak up if any incidents of harassment, discrimination, abuse of power, intimidation, fraud, corruption or conflicts of interest take place. This includes any behavior that goes against our Manual of Conduct and Socioenvironmental Accountability Policy.

You can help us by reporting any non-compliance issues, through our Alô Agropalma channel. Full anonymity is guaranteed if desired, as well as impartiality.

The Procedure for Receipt, Response, Negotiation and Solution of Claims and Complaints is a mutually agreed document for dealing with claims and complaints, which is implemented and accepted by Agropalma’s stakeholders. The goal is the effective, timely and suitable settlement of disputes, with no risk of retaliation or intimidation.

To check the status of your record, go to Alô Agropalma Record Monitoring.


Frequently asked questions:

  • By phone 0800 709 0706 for external calls (toll-free)
  • By branch line 8213 for internal calls (toll-free)
  • By e-mail ([email protected] or [email protected])
  • By letter (Rodovia PA-150. KM-74, Zona Rural S/N. Caixa Postal 108. CEP 68695-000 – Agropalma Tailândia. Tailândia – Pará)
  • At the company’s receptions, fill out the Stakeholder Form available
  • By trained employees leading talks in communities and family agriculture programs and integrated producers, filling out the Stakeholder Form available

Direct and third-party employees, neighboring communities, public entities, partners, vendors, service providers, clients and any other stakeholders.

The Alô Agropalma channel may be used to report any suspected violation to the Agropalma’s Manual of Conduct, the Socioenvironmental Accountability Policy, or any Brazilian law; behaviors that indicate fraud, conflict of interest, waste of resources, discrimination or prejudice, psychological harassment, sexual harassment, abuse of power, among others. 

The channel may also be used to send compliments, suggestions for improvement or general questions.

Você também pode utilizar o canal para relatar elogios, sugestões de melhoria ou questionamentos gerais.

We strongly encourage you to report or ask about anything. This gives us the opportunity to explain how our business is carried out.

That said, gossip, false claims, diverging opinions and subjects related to vacation and other work benefits must be avoided or brought directly to the department managers or Personnel and Management team.

In addition, emergency situations that require immediate action or response, such as work accidents or environmental incidents, must be directly reported to any company manager. 

Report your concerns anyway, even if you are not 100% sure of misconduct. We would rather receive a report on a situation that is ultimately not a misconduct, than to let a possibly unethical behavior go unnoticed.

We would like you to report your concerns whenever you witness any behaviors that you believe to be a violation of the guidelines of the Agropalma’s Manual of Conduct, Socioenvironmental Accountability Policy or any Brazilian law. The sooner we are aware of any likely misconducts, the faster we are able to look into the situation.  If you have any concerns regarding the conduct of any of our employees or any other representative, we would like to know.

You are entitled to anonymous reporting through Alô Agropalma. Your confidentiality will be maintained. We do not tolerate retaliation against anyone who raise concerns in good faith, or takes part in an investigation.

1.Receipt of Record

Provide as much information as possible when recording a complaint. Either speaking or in writing, all details provided will be help in the investigations. For example: What happened; personnel involved; when it happened; where it happened.


Once a claim is recorded, claimants receive confirmation that their case is in the system from the public summary on the website (Alô Agropalma Record Monitoring). When the claimant wishes to be identified, confirmation may be sent also by phone, e-mail or in person.


Reports with low category claims are suggestions for process improvements, compliments, requests for commercial contact.  Cases not classified in the low or sensitive category shall be classified in the moderate category.

Reports including claims under the sensitive category are described as follows:

  • Unfair or fraudulent negotiation
  • Bribing or corruption
  • Discrimination, psychological harassment, sexual harassment and violence
  • Violation of human rights
  • Misconducts


In order to ensure the investigation is confidential, only required personnel will be involved. Our Administrative Board or Audit Management may carry out confidential interviews with employees, contractors or any person deemed relevant to the investigation.

5.Sharing of responses

Once the investigation is concluded, the response summary will be available at the website through the Alô Agropalma Record Monitoring form. All responses are also shared on the Agropalma warning boards, via e-mail to administration employees and on toolbox talks.


The claimant may or may not accept the response provided by the company. After receiving the response or knowledge of the summary shown in the Alô Agropalma Record Monitoring form, the claimant has three weeks to make contact through the vehicles listed in step 1. 

The claimant should also report to Agropalma in cases where the response has been accepted, but remedial actions provided were not carried out by the company.


The status of the record is specified as “Closed” in the Alô Agropalma Record Monitoring form.

The deadline for response is three weeks, but may occur before that. However, we may require an extension for cases involving more complex subjects.

The Alô Agropalma Record Monitoring may be checked via the website for the summary of actions taken for each received record. 

When you choose to leave your contract, the response for all actions taken will also be sent to you. 

Alô Agropalma was established for providing a clear, open and predictable process through the Procedure for Receipt, Response, Negotiation and Solution of Claims and Complaints. This procedure also aims to comply with the 2018 RSPO Guidelines and Criteria for sustainable palm production.